Meet Principal Calvin! At our fall Family Fun Night, Calvin won the chance to serve as Principal for the Day. Principal Calvin's duty included making morning announcements, greeting his classmates and monitoring the halls to watch for positive 3Rs in action.
The Wright Library welcomes families to check out the activities happening throughout the next few months:
Paws to Read, second Wednesday of each month, 6-7 PM
For Kindergarten – Grade 6. Sign up for a 15-minute reading session with a certified therapy dog.
Family Book Club (NEW!), Wednesday, January 22, 6-7 PM
Perfect for elementary-age children and families! Come enjoy a snack, craft, and ready to share your favorite book(s). We will also be selecting books to read for upcoming meetings. This is a very casual, low key club with a focus on having fun while celebrating reading and literacy.
Crafty Kids, on Saturdays, while supplies last
For Preschool-Grade 3. Make a new craft each week.
Eli’s parents came in for our October Acorns and Achievements to teach the students about circuits, switches, and electricity. Students were able to make their own circuits that powered an LED light bulb! We may have some future engineers!
Oakwood Schools is preparing to welcome the Class of 2036. Kindergarten registration for the 2023 – 2024 school year is underway.
To register for next year, youngsters must be five years old on or before Sept. 30, 2023. Families must reside within the Oakwood Schools district boundaries and demonstrate proof of residence as outlined in the District’s Residency Guidelines found on the District website.
To review the guidelines and begin the online registration process, visit the Oakwood Schools website at oakwoodschools.org.
Once registered, families will receive additional information about Kindergarten Screening, which will take place at the Oakwood Community Center April 18 – 21. Screening information will be sent to all registered families beginning March 20.