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Schools of excellence in prevention award

All five schools in the district are receiving Montgomery County Educational Service Center’s Schools of Excellence in Prevention Platinum Level awards for the 2022 – 2023 school year.  The award recognizes schools that make significant efforts to plan for and implement programs and strategies supporting student mental wellness.

“I am very proud of the efforts of our SEL (Social Emotional Learning) team, administrators, staff and students.  For prevention programming to be effective, everyone within the educational community needs to work together to ensure a safe school environment where students can make progress toward their academic, social and emotional growth,” Oakwood Schools SEL Facilitator Amy Samosky said,

Samosky and Bridget Fiore lead the District’s efforts to help students develop and improve their social-emotional skills needed to cope with everyday challenges, as the Ohio Department of Education requires in its learning standards.

“Amy and Bridget’s passion for our students is evident and felt throughout the entire District.  At a time when the mental health and social needs of students are increasing, they tirelessly provide services and programming that positively impact all,” Interim Superintendent Allyson Couch said.

To achieve Platinum Level status, schools must Implement strategies and programs for students, staff and families, as well as peer-to-peer programs.  School policies and procedures related to student substance, alcohol, or tobacco use, and student discipline must also be examined and revised as needed.

Samosky says while she is proud of the District’s efforts, she knows “there is a lot of work to be done.”

“Oakwood students are not unique in that they experience struggles with mental wellness, substance use, bullying and digital addictions just to name a few.  Our goal is and will continue to be to build a climate and culture where all of our students feel safe and connected in order to develop healthy behaviors, positive coping skills and resilience” Samosky said.

All five schools will be honored at an award ceremony Oct. 30 at the MCESC Learning Center North.