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Report an Absence

Lange School Absence Reporting:  (937) 299-8730, leave a message

It is the obligation of the parent/guardian to report the child’s absence or tardy each day the student is absent.

  • The parent/guardian should call (937) 299-8730 before the beginning of the school day for each day the student is absent.
  • A school logged parent/guardian phone call received by the attendance office, on each day of the student’s absence, for any excused absences below, is sufficient to excuse the student’s absence. A student who is absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without legitimate excuse; or absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without a legitimate excuse shall provide written documentation from a treating physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant stating the day(s) absent and reason for such absence.   
  • If within two (2) school days after returning to school following an absence, written documentation has not been received, the absence will be “unexcused.”
  • The parent/guardian (and not the school) maintains responsibility to make certain the telephone call and/or absence note was submitted to the proper school attendance authority in a timely fashion.
  • If the parent/guardian fails to contact the school and school personnel have to initiate contact with the parent/guardian via phone call and they DO NOT make direct contact with a parent/guardian the absence will be considered unexcused until a parent/guardian makes direct contact with the attendance office on the day of the student’s absence.  After that date, the student must submit a written parent note within two (2) days to excuse the absence. 

Students arriving after 9 a.m. will be marked as tardy. Students arriving after 10:30 a.m. will be marked as absent for one half day.